Overweight and obesity treatment without surgery for children and adults. Obesity is a serious health epidemic that affect one in three Americans.
It is estimated that 93 million Americans are affected by obesity. With that number predicted to climb to 120 million in the next five years. Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive body fat or by having a BMI grater than 30. Obesity increases the likelihood of certain diseases and other related Heath problems. It also has a much high correlation with conditions and diseases,such as diabetes, heart disease and many more.
• High blood pressure
• High cholesterol
• Type 2 diabetes
• Heart disease
• Stroke
• Gallbladder disease
• Osteoarthritis
• Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
• Some cancers( endometrial, breast and colon)
• Liver disease
• Venus disease
• Acid reflux
• Menstrual irregularities and infertility
Treatment obesity
• Consult always with a healthcare professional before beginning any treatment program. Because of the health risks associated with severe obesity can be life-threatening,clinical programs, such as medically managed weight- loss. Bariatric surgery and other options are available for treatment. Medically managed weight loss. By a license healthcare professional, such as a doctor , nurse and a register dietitian and or psychologist. These programs typically offer services such as nutrition counseling, metabolism evaluation, physical activity and behavioral therapy. Often, these programs incorporate total meal replacement program.
In addition some physicians may also use medications traditionally prescribe for other conditions/ disease for the treatment of severe obesity. And some insurance are cover for this treatments.