Dermal Infusion is an advanced microdermabrasion technique based on new technology, with many applications ranging from treating acne to skin rejuvenation and normalization. Unlike traditional micrordermabrasion, the Dermal Infusion System combines exfoliation with deep delivery of patient-specific solutions directly into the skin. These solutions treat your skin with a variety of active ingredients that address concerns ranging from skin tone and texture related to acne and acne scarring, to hyperpigmentation, photo-damage, fine-line wrinkles and even stretch-marks and the surface appearance of cellulite.
Dermal Infusion is the only procedure that provides both exfoliation and delivery of skin-specific dermaceuticals under pressure.
Dermal Infusion is offered exclusively through facilities with a licensed medical director on staff; it is not available at typical day spas or salons. A skin care professional will choose one or more specialized Pro Infusions, formulated to address your specific skin conditions. Each gentle pass then abrades away dead skin, thoroughly and evenly exfoliating, while infusing the treatment solution into the skin. The Dermal Infusion infuses these products deep into the skin where they are most effective. The solution delivers hydrating, antioxidant, acne-fighting, pore-reducing or lightening infusions into your skin. All skin types can benefit from the Dermal Infusion treatment.
Dermal Infusion is very powerful in addressing acne. Most acne treatments focus on the bacterial infection, on reducing sebum (skin oil) production or simply relaxing or decompressing comedones (white- and black-heads). With Dermal Infusion, the oil that produces comedone formation is first removed with deep cleansing. Removing the sebum (skin oil) from the comedones eliminates the bacteria from pores and comedones and allows the penetration of topical medicines to address the root causes of acne. This technique decreases acne scars with the end result of greater patient satisfaction, leaving a smooth and silky skin.
The Dermal Infusion is a 10-15 minute treatment and patients can return to activities immediately. The procedure is non-invasive and even soothing; delivering the results you want without harsh chemicals or uncomfortable treatments. Typically, an initial Dermal Infusion treatment series is 6 treatments done 4 weeks apart. After that you may continue Dermal Infusion treatments at 1 month intervals for additional improvement or several times a year as maintenance. However, even one Dermal Infusion will usually refresh your skin for up to six weeks!
All this and more are the benefits of the Dermal Infusionl! Call us for a consultation with our skin professionals as each day that passes is a day that you age and lose the opportunity to stop the process of aging. Dermal Infusion may be combined with many other cosmetic treatments in our office such as Photo-rejuvenation, Tissue Tightening Lasers, BOTOX Cosmetic and Injectable fillers. Many patients choose to undergo combination treatments in order to achieve the maximum aesthetic result.